Check out the link below for my video review over on the Kool Kollectibles YouTube channel. It's a great set that has definite improvements over the Sideshow version.
The set comes with a decent array of accessories. Many of the attachments are magnetic, which makes them very easy to attach to Artoo when you open up the panels. The detail and paint application on the attachments are much better than the Sideshow version. The only accessory I think the Sideshow version has that is worth using now is the drinks tray.
The little lamp is similar to the one that came with the Yoda set, but this time has an chord that also attaches to Artoo. The light is not too bright, but is good enough for what it is. The Star Wars logo remote control is nice, similar to the one that came with their first Darth Vader figure. It controls the lights and sound effects on the figure, which I surprisingly liked a lot more than I thought I would! I usually hate electronic features, but the iconic sounds from Artoo really did put a smile on my face.
The Leia holograms were the accessory that finally sold me on this set. The Sideshow Deluxe set had one too, but it was just transluscent blue plastic with not too many facial features. This upgrade from Hot Toys gives it a much better sculpt, and looks far more accurate to the scene on Tatooine.
The little base that provides the light is decent, and is quite bright. Unfortunately the light piping in the holograms really only allows the light into the lower half of the body. But the overall effect is decent.
The Sideshow version came with a more movie accurate table from that scene in Obi-wan's hut. I think using the new Hot Toys hologram on the old Sideshow table is the perfect combination! I haven't tried the light up effect of the Sideshow table to see how it looks with the new hologram, but I'm sure it'll be a decent enough effect.
The biggest improvement on the figure itself is the use of the diecast medal dome. The brushed finish is much nicer, and there is no longer an ugly plastic seam like the Sideshow had. The difference in the domes side by side is quite striking.
The body itself is pretty similar, but the internal detailings within the panels and the way the accessories attach is quite different. The Hot Toys version has much more subtle weathering, which I think is fine. The deeper blue also seems more accurate, and certainly looks better on display.
For now, I'll be keeping both versions, with the Sideshow Artoo and Threepio figures being my Return of the Jedi versions with Hot Toys Jedi Luke. The new Hot Toys version will go with my other Hot Toys figures from A New Hope.
If you're on the fence about getting this new Hot Toys, I think it's worth getting as an improvement over the Sideshow version. Side by side, there's no doubt it's a better looking figure on display. Whether it's better than the Tamashii Nations Artoo is debatable. I prefer the Hot Toys version since the Tamashii is far too clean, and I don't really like the rivets in the sculpt of the body.
Together with the rest of the core hero cast from A New Hope, I think this R2-D2 looks fantastic. Now I just hope Hot Toys gets off their arse and announce a decent version of C-3PO to complete the photo below!
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