There's more info and pics further down, but click the link below to watch the full video review over on the Kool Kollectibles YouTube channel:
To get one for yourself (with my highest recommendation!) click the link below to head on over to Big Bad Toy Store!
BBTS - TNC-01 Ryu
But onto the statue set itself! The packaging is quite nicely done, and I love the artwork. The comic, semi-deformed art style just works with Street Fighter characters! I like how the front fold-away lid has the face of Ryu, and then the inside of the flap has the rear view in silhouette. Great box design overall!
The rear gives the usual photos of the item inside, and all colourfully done. This was the first I noticed that it actually included a collector card, which was a nice extra touch.
The sides are pretty simple with a closeup on one side and Chinese characters on the other. And I really like how the box folds open to review a visible space to view the statue if you want to store it in the box. Not a bad feature if you're short on space.
The statue itself is just AMAZING!!! If you're a Street Fighter fan, especially one that played Street Fighter 2 in the arcades, you are going to love this as much as I do!
The mold is great in the semi-deformed style, but it's the paint app that was the real pleasant surprise for me. Everything is clean and sharp, and the outfit is nicely weathered with a dirt wash that doesn't make his outfit too clean (he is the wandering warrior after all!)
The head sculpt is just perfect with that angry fireball face, and the stance is pure iconic Hadoken style from the original Street Fighter 2 game.
The lighting effect is cleverly done, and I still haven't figured out how they get the electronics in to the fireball to light it up. But either way, placing him on the base and pushing the button at the front will make all Street Fighter fans smile.
The Hadoken sound effect is quite loud, and the light effect automatically dims after a second or two. With the high gloss background and base, the whole set just captures that iconic Street Fighter 2 stage perfectly!
They've already teased the next statue in the line with TNC-02 Ken, and that looks every bit as awesome as this Ryu. If they can continue with this level of quality, BigBoysToys will have a fantastic line of Street Fighter statues that will be sought after by fans for years to come! Highly recommended!