Click through below to check out my full video review over on the Kool Kollectibles YouTube channel! Make sure to give the video a thumbs-up, and subscribe to the channel! :)
The packaging and contents are the usual style that all Masterpiece collectors know and love. I still hate the new style of collector card art, and one day I might get over the fact they changed it ages ago! But for now, I'll continue bitching about it :)
The accessories aren't as plentiful as with the standard Sunstreaker release (eg. alien mask, Chip etc), but the new hand gun is nicely chromed and a great way to pay homage to the G1 toy design. The swap out mechanism is pretty straight forward and it looks great in bot mode.
Of course the other stand out feature in bot mode is the new head sculpt that is more accurate to the G1 toy. It is a nice looking sculpt with those red eyes and side ears. The metallic face also looks fantastic, but watch out for some minor paint rub on the tip of the nose.
The way in which the police lights change between car and robot modes is nice, with a simple mechanism to push it to either side of the rotating roof. Some people seemed to hate the "cheat" in getting the roof to be accurate in car and bot mode, but I think it's toy engineering perfection. The cartoon itself cheated, and this reflects that exactly, with the insignia appearing in bot mode just like on Sunstreaker.
The extra molded details also sets this figure apart from the original. The high black gloss and molded highlights really show off the character from every angle. I still am in awe at how Takara designed the lower legs, and it's far better than any of the 3rd party attempts.
In car mode, it has all the possible combinations that Sunstreaker had. You can have it with the exposed engines (as I prefer), or you can hide those away to make it more of an accurate Lamborghini Countach. I much prefer the engines exposed to clearly differentiate him.
The police car deco is just awesome. The paint application is beautifully done, with clean lines all over mine. There's minimal paint slop, and the decals are all sharp. The extra painted areas in black against the white makes it pop, whereas the original Sunstreaker went for less paint details for cartoon accuracy.
Displayed next to the MP-14C Clampdown Diaclone homage, they really do represent this Lamborghini mold at its best. I'll definitely stick with displaying these Diaclone repaints in their car modes. Just great work by Takara!
I've collected all the Diaclone or Micro Change repaints so far in this series I think. They look fantastic together! I just wish Takara would hurry up and release the Diaclone black Ironhide for crying out loud! I have no idea why they haven't announced it yet, but hopefully it's still in their plans. If it's not, it would be a curious and very disappointing case of being the only car mold without a Diaclone homage! Either way, I'll continue to wait eagerly for it!
If you're a fan of these Masterpiece figures and love the Diaclone homages, then this new MP-42 Cordon comes highly recommended!
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